
July 12, 2021 - Rare bipartisan unity against 17% small business tax

Photo: Minority owned small businesses trying to compete with big box retailers will be hit hard by the 17% tax. By Oregon Small Business Association It is not often enough that Democrats and Republicans unite against an idea but the 17% tax on small business has become one of them. […]

July 12, 2021 - DeFazio: House passes Invest in America Act

US Congressman Peter DeFazio, Transformative bill includes $3.67 Billion for Oregon Highways, $848 million for Oregon Transit, $20 million for projects in SW Oregon The INVEST in America Act, transformative legislation authored by Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio, passed the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 221-201. […]

July 9, 2021 - 4 big Supreme Court wins for business

By NFIB, The U.S. Supreme Court concluded its 2020 term, and many of its decisions will have a positive impact on small businesses. NFIB submitted several amici briefs this term to advocate on behalf of small businesses on issues such as regulations, taxes, and property ownership. “The U.S. Supreme Court […]

July 8, 2021 - Con. Bentz: Changes to tech anti-trust bills

By US Congressman Cliff Bentz, The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee finished its marathon markup of six bills focused on reshaping antitrust laws that directly impact big technology companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google – and possibly other companies. Congressman Cliff Bentz, who participated in the two-day, 25-hour […]

July 7, 2021 - Oregon income is strong. Excess savings large

By Josh Lehner Oregon Office of Economic Analysis We received the national June jobs report. Another very strong month for job gains, and ongoing wage increases. It is encouraging to see these dynamics continue to play out as the labor market recovers from the pandemic. Our office’s forecast has front-loaded […]

July 6, 2021 - Session ends with big wins for business

By Karen Vineyard, chair, OBI Board of Directors When the legislative session began back in January – amid a global pandemic that had shuttered schools and broken businesses, a nationwide reckoning with racial injustice and with thousands of Oregonians still displaced from autumn wildfires – we knew it was going […]

July 5, 2021 - Oregon 12th state to pass CROWN act

By Julie Preciado & Blayne Soleymani-Pearson Barran Liebman Law Oregon law firm On June 11, Governor Brown signed into law Oregon’s version of the “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair (“CROWN”) Act.” Oregon is the 12th state to adopt such a law since 2019. The CROWN Act […]

July 2, 2021 - NFIB: Court protects private donations

By NFIB, NFIB applauds today’s decision from the United States Supreme Court in the case Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, which defends the right of private individuals to anonymously donate to nonprofit organizations. NFIB filed an amicus brief in the case arguing compelled disclosure of a nonprofit organization’s donors […]

July 1, 2021 - WA Gov. changes course, maskless only for vaccinated

Gov. Inslee Changes Course in Washington, Unmasking Only for Vaccinated Persons; Oregon and Washington Revised Requirements Begin Today By Heather J. Van Meter Bullard Law Washington Update Late on June 29, Washington Gov. Inslee reversed course and will only permit the general public to go without masks if they are […]

June 30, 2021 - People aren’t buying electric vehicles

By John Charles Cascade Policy Institute President Biden is proposing to spend $174 billion subsidizing the electric vehicle (EV) industry as part of his American Jobs Plan. His ultimate goal is to eliminate the vehicles most of us use today, powered by gasoline or diesel fuel. As he said recently […]