
December 9, 2020 - Oregon Chamber: Re-open business now

Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, The OSCC Board of Directors has issued the following statement. It is motivated by the desperation we have seen from our small business community. We feel it is time to be real and plain spoken about what it’s going to take to get our businesses […]

December 7, 2020 - OHSA: Workplace COVID plans due

December 7: Exposure Risk Assessments & Infection Control Plans Must Be Completed By Andrew Schpak & Daniel Walker Barran Liebman Oregon law firm As a reminder, Oregon OSHA recently published extensive temporary rules regarding COVID-19 workplace exposure that implicate all workplaces in Oregon. Employers should have the following forms and […]

December 7, 2020 - Rethinking Oregon’s prevailing wage laws

By Vlad Yurlov Cascade Policy Institute While many people in the Portland region value efficient governments, prevailing wage laws are rarely questioned. Prevailing wage laws drain tax-payer funded resources by increasing the labor costs of public construction projects such as affordable housing. These laws were originally enacted to shut out […]

December 4, 2020 - Retailers want Congress’ $900B COVID-relief bill

By National Retail Federation The National Retail Federation issued the following statement from President and CEO Matthew Shay in response to the announcement of a $900 billion bipartisan coronavirus stimulus package. “NRF and our members have been vocal and consistent in our calls for additional, targeted fiscal stimulus and the […]

December 3, 2020 - What the Oregon travel advisory means for employees

Does the State’s New Travel Advisory Mean That My Employees Have To Quarantine for 2 Weeks if They Travel for the Thanksgiving Holiday? By Chris Morgan & Julie Preciado Barran Liebman Oregon law firm The short answer is no. On November 13, 2020, Oregon Governor Kate Brown, California Governor Gavin […]

December 2, 2020 - Marijuana sales surge during virus. Boosts state budget

By Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon Tax revenue from sales of cannabis in Oregon is forecast at $300 million or more for the 2019-2021 biennium, according to the Portland Business Journal, and now the Legislature will be grappling with how to divvy up the bounty. The state brought in $46.9 million […]

December 1, 2020 - 70,000 Oregonians face Christmas Day expiration of jobless benefits

By Oregon Small Business Association, While Scrooge may tear unemployment benefits from up to 70,000 Oregonians the day after Christmas, when the federal CARES Act expires, most may be given a 13-week reprieve with a shift to a new program. Congress extended the unemployment benefits awarded under the CARES Act […]

November 30, 2020 - Restaurant lawsuit fails to relax strict lockdown

By Oregon Restaurant and Lodging Association ORLA Remains Committed to Working Through Covid-19 Realities The Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association is disappointed we were not able to secure a temporary restraining order against the latest indoor and outdoor dining room freeze on our industry, which continues to impact thousands of […]

November 27, 2020 - Retailers urge Congress to pass Pandemic Risk Insurance Act

By National Retail Federation A New York City gift shop owner testifying on behalf of the National Retail Federation called on Congress to approve legislation that would help businesses obtain insurance coverage for future pandemics. “When my team and I discussed closing on Friday, March 13 – yes, Friday the […]

November 25, 2020 - All eyes on small business this Saturday

By NFIB, The state director for Oregon’s leading small-business association today asked for consumers to buy big this Small Business Saturday, November 28. “Once again, our small businesses need some help to get them through tough times,” said Anthony Smith, Oregon state director for NFIB. “Small Business Saturday is a […]