Eugene company sues Gwenyth Paltrow

By Oregon Small Business Association Foundation,

Good Clean Love Inc., a company in Eugene that manufactures safe and organic intimate hygiene and sexual health products, has filed a trademark infringement lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Oscar-winning actress Gwenyth Paltrow’s company Goop, a skin, body, fragrance, and fashion and lifestyle company valued at $250 million. In its lawsuit, the company also contends that Goop engages in unfair competition and false advertising.


Good Clean Love Inc., founded in 2003 to provide organic products to enhance vaginal wellness and sexual health, had grown to an $18.8 million enterprise by 2022 and won the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network award in 2020, according to the Portland Business Journal. But the company contends customers could confuse its product with Goop’s new Good.clean.goop, which also sells sexual health products that the lawsuit contends may be based on pseudoscience. Goop applied for a trademark for Good.clean.goop in August amid a national marketing campaign.


Goop, which described the complaint as meritless, faced a false advertising lawsuit in California and had to pay $145,000 in 2018 to settle it.


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