Chamber cheers three big healthcare tax repeals

US Chamber of Commerce,

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer Neil Bradley released the following statement after Congress included a permanent repeal of three major health taxes – the so-called “Cadillac Tax,” the Health Insurance Tax (HIT), and the Medical Device Tax (MDT) in the large year-end spending legislation filed.

“We commend congressional leaders for setting the stage for permanently repealing the Cadillac Tax, the HIT, and the MDT, which would finally put an end to the higher health costs that come from the taxes and would improve access to more affordable coverage.

“The Chamber has long fought to strengthen the employer-sponsored health system which provides valued coverage to more than 180 million Americans; we are encouraged to see Congress take this important step towards providing relief from these taxes. We look forward to seeing these taxes permanently repealed later this week and continuing our work with Congress to support additional health reform efforts that lower costs, improve quality, expand access to health care, and protect American jobs.”

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