New 2011 laws for employers, employees

New 2011 laws that impact employers, employees
By Oregon Small Business Association,

Minimum wage:

The Oregon Minimum wage is going up 10-cents from $8.40 to $8.50. It will cost employers a little over $200 for the average minimum wage employee. Six other states are raising their minimum wage including Washington which will be the nation’s highest at $8.67. The federal minimum wage rate is $7.25.

Gas-tax increase:

The 6-cent gas tax is now in effect. For drivers it will cost an additional $35 a year, but for businesses that rely on transportation will find it will cost several thousand.

For motorcycle drivers:

Oregon Motorcyclists under the age of 30 must undergo a new 15-hour training course.


Changes for hospitals and insurers:

In 2011, there will be new employer requirements that require free screenings and certain preventative services for seniors on Medicare. The “doughnut hole” gap in prescription coverage will be closed and new discounts on certain drugs will be offered in its place.

Possible new employer posting rule

Bullard Smith Jernstedt Wilson Law Firm Reports; “On December 22, 2010 a divided National Labor Relations Board proposed a new rule that would require employers (including labor organizations) subject to the National Labor Relations Act to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the NLRA. One Board Member dissented from the proposed rule, describing it as outside the scope of the rules that the Board is permitted to promulgate. Employers and other members of the public now have 60 days to submit comments on the proposed rule. “

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