More than 417,000 New Jobs Needed in Oregon To Revive and Grow the Economy
U.S. Chamber’s Campaign for Free Enterprise Travels to the Northwest
PORTLAND, OR—Today, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s American Free Enterprise. Dream Big. campaign traveled to Oregon to engage local business leaders in an ongoing effort to highlight the need to create 20 million jobs nationwide, and more than 417,000 in Oregon, over the next decade.
“Oregon has been hit hard by the economic downturn these past few years,” said Brian Gunderson, managing vice president for the Campaign for Free Enterprise. “Now the question is how to create jobs and jumpstart the state’s economy. That is what the American Free Enterprise. Dream Big. campaign is all about. We need to remind people that free enterprise has created more economic benefits for more people than any other system in history.”
Nationwide, the U.S. Chamber estimates 20 million jobs will be needed in the next decade to keep America competitive. Of those 20 million, more than 417,000 jobs will need to be created in Oregon in the next 10 years to compensate for the jobs lost in the recession and to accommodate new workers entering the workforce.
A series of events will take place across the country in the coming weeks to announce state-by-state job growth goals and to cultivate discussions about how to meet the 20 Million Job Challenge. Plans are also underway to showcase the role of individual business leaders through an online video contest and the DREAM BIG Small Business of the Year award.
“Open trade and a welcoming approach to global commerce, capital, and talent are fundamental to a successful free enterprise system,” John Murphy, the Chamber’s vice president for International Affairs, said today to Oregon business leaders. “Portland’s business community knows this as well as any other, given the city’s role as a pivotal trading hub. As a nation, we must reaffirm the values of free enterprise—and the free exchange of trade, capital, and ideas that built this great country—so that we can emerge from this recession stronger than ever, create those 20 million jobs, and ensure a bright future for this state and our nation.”
American Free Enterprise. Dream Big. is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s comprehensive, multiyear campaign to support free enterprise through national advertising; grassroots advocacy; citizen, community, and youth engagement; and research and ideas leadership.
The U.S. Chamber is the world’s largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.
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