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100 business leaders on CA best practices trip

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Sacramento Best Practices Trip offers perspective on Portland’s challenges and opportunities
By Portland Metro Chamber [6],

Earlier this month, the Portland Metro Chamber, in collaboration with Greater Portland, Inc., led a delegation of 100 business and civic leaders to Sacramento, California. The goals: to foster connections with our peer region to the south, explore how they address common challenges, and learn how California’s capital city has fostered economic development.

In 2024, Sacramento was identified as one of Portland’s new peer regions in the Portland Metro Chamber’s 2024 State of the Economy report. As a comparable West Coast city, Sacramento faces many of the same challenges as Portland. The Best Practices Trip provided an opportunity to compare the two cities’ approaches to housing, homelessness, downtown post-pandemic recovery, urban renewal, and more.

Key trip takeaways

– Navigating the livability challenges endemic in West Coast cities
– Re-envisioning downtown and the central city
– A roadmap for urban infill mega-development
– Critical impact of sports and entertainment as a economic drivers
– The power of a community retreat

“Connecting with leaders from across sectors provided new perspectives and strengthened relationships that will drive meaningful change back in Portland. If you ever have the chance to go on one of these trips, you should definitely take it—it’s an invaluable experience.”

Sacramento Best Practices trip attendee,
Theodore Fettig,
Senior Vice President, KeyBank

Read more on this article here [7], including photos