By Josh Lehner
Oregon Office economic Analysis,
Oregon’s economy mirrors the nation during the pandemic. Our employment trends, unemployment rate, income growth and the like are right there with the national averages. This is unusual in the sense that Oregon is typically much more volatile than the U.S. We fall farther in recessions and grow faster in expansions. Given the economy spends many more years in expansion than it does in recession, Oregon usually comes out ahead over the entire cycle. This brings us to the latest edition do the Graph of the Week. Oregon is a small, but rising share of the country. When the lines below are rising, it means Oregon is growing faster than the nation as a whole.
In a way, pretty much all of our socio-economic discussions tie back to this chart. Things like migration and who moves, housing production and prices, industrial structure and wages, household incomes and the like. How do we stack up? Part of the answers lie in the chart above. It shows our stories relative to the national ones. In recent decades that includes Oregon growing a bit faster than the nation.